Embodied Groove Logo

Get Out of Your Head
And Into Your Body

Dr. Leah Taylor created Embodied Groove® to help you feel safe and joyful in your body, release stress and trauma without revisiting the past, and connect deeply with yourself and the world around you.

Dancing to live music can transform your body, mind, and soul, making it a fully integrative practice. While we're all born with the instinct to move to music, social conditioning and the layers of somatic armoring we take on over the years for protection can make us feel awkward or self-conscious. Embodied Groove helps you rediscover your unique groove and embrace the pure joy of movement!

Embodied Groove offers a complete mind-body-spirit experience by blending movement, breath, mindfulness, and music. This powerful combination helps activate your body’s natural ‘happy chemicals’—dopamine, endorphins, oxytocin, serotonin, and endocannabinoids. These ‘neurochemicals of happiness’ boost your mood and well-being, helping you naturally feel your best and providing important medicine for your mind, body & spirit!

Embodied Groove

Picture yourself joining a vibrant group of movers, setting your intention for what you want to feel and experience. The sound waves wash over you as you find freedom in your body, elevating your spirit and taking you to new heights. All the while, you remain grounded and present, fully immersed in the joy of the moment.


“I have worked with Leah and her initiative, intentions, and delivery of programs are all first rate. We have collaborated at Camp Navarro and at Camp Deep End and she always has fresh and new ideas combined with a real understanding of who her audience is and how to get maximum impact. I always look forward to collaborating with Leah!

Dan Braun, Director Camp Navarro, and Director of Camp Deep End music festival
“Leah’s guidance was non-invasive, gentle, and warm. It allowed people to experience the movement of their bodies in an environment that lacked judgment, was freeing, and fun.”
Kimmie Jones
“With steady and grounded direction, Leah guides participants to experience movement and the body in ways that lift the spirit and brings peace and gratitude to the soul.”
Marcy Irene Jenkins
"I write this on the second anniversary of my mother’s passing and two years since the world as we knew it came to a surreal standstill. My grieving remains in process, but I credit Embodied Groove and Dr. Leah Taylor with helping me, quite literally, ‘move through’ this period of trauma and loss. Just days after my mother died, I happened upon an Embodied Groove dance session online. In the safe space of an internet connection and my own living room, I began to reconnect, through music and movement, with vital energy that had waned, with hope that had seemed out of reach. I started to heal, to manifest growth, to find a path forward that included joy. It’s hard to find words for the ‘rescued’ I felt. But it was a rescue, and I am ever grateful to Leah and Embodied Groove for that light shone in the darkness."
Ramona Lappier
"When you unlock freedom on the dance floor, you unlock freedom in your life."
Dr. Leah Taylor

Embodied Groove



Transmuting stored trauma & strengthening inner resources

Throughout our lives, we all encounter traumas, big and small, that our bodies tend to hold onto. Embodied Groove is crafted to help release these traumas without delving into the stories that often keep us trapped in a cycle of fight, flight, or freeze. You don’t need to identify or analyze specific traumas to experience the benefits — this approach also helps alleviate the impact of everyday stress.

Additionally, Embodied Groove enhances emotional resilience and inner strength by connecting you with positive emotions in a mindful, embodied state. This strengthened emotional resilience extends well beyond the Embodied Groove session, equipping you with lasting tools for navigating life’s challenges.

Experience the Transformative Power of Dr. Leah Taylor’s Sacred Medicine

Dr. Leah Taylor blends her advanced training in somatic psychology, energy medicine, nervous system regulation, and mind-body medicine with her unique essence of love, light, and play to craft Embodied Groove. This transformative method guides participants in harmonizing their body, mind, and spirit, unlocking their own unique and authentic healing potential.

Connection to group flow & enhanced frequency activation

Dr. Leah Taylor guides participants into a deeper connection with themselves and everything around them. By integrating movement, music, and positive emotion, this experience enhances your frequency and is often described as flow, group flow, or collective joy in scientific literature. Benefits include greater clarity, compassion, confidence, and a deeper understanding of your true self and your interconnectedness with all that exists.

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